Disability Communications

Disability Culture Lab runs the only strategic communications firm by and for the disability community in the U.S. Learn more about our services below.

A brown-skinned person with glasses in a wheelchair speaks into a microphone.
A person with chin-length red hair and a light blue blazer stands speaking at a podium during an outdoor rally. Next to them is a sign language interpreter. The podium has a sign that reads, “Disability Justice is Reproductive Justice.”
  • We’ll help you figure out what winning looks like for you, and help you get there. Our team has helped dozens of organizations crystalize their mission, vision, theory of change, priority narratives, and reason for existing and communicate them so they stick with their audiences. We’ll support your team and stakeholders to do the same, providing everything you need to create a proactive media program, dynamic social media materials, must-read opinion pieces, and more.

  • We will train key spokespeople and coach them before media opportunities to ensure they are asked for a repeat performance. We’ll also help you create high-performing, sustainable, internal media preparation processes that you can draw on in the future. We’ve trained hundreds of grassroots spokespeople and national leaders who’ve secured paid positions with national networks, won national elections, and appeared on major networks time and again.

  • We support coalitions, organizations, and leaders with a disability lens to win big change for disabled people using media as a tool. We’ll help sharpen your opinion pieces, media materials, and overall media strategy.

  • We help individuals and organizations with artist collaborations, logo development, brand guides, creative content, creative event envisioning and execution, parties, marketing, e-commerce and merchandising, and microsites.

  • We help organizations design accessible content and craft inclusive language for digital campaigns through audits, needs assessments, action plans, and coaching.

  • We’ll support your organization to build out a high-performing communications program through consulting support and executive and communications staff coaching.

  • We provide crisis prevention, analysis, and support. Our team has deep experience preventing and managing crises for national politicians, prominent nonprofits, and established leaders. We’re here if you need us.

DCL is a nonprofit disability media and narrative lab building communications infrastructure by and for the disability community. 

Here at DCL, we have an eclectic team of disabled communications professionals with deep roots in communications consulting, journalism, and digital. We are here to help support you across a broad swath of communications services – from north star planning and strategic messaging to media training and accessible digital engagement.

Our team is wildly talented, and we bring deep expertise from across social justice movements, journalism, and the disability community.

We amplify and support disabled leaders to achieve big political wins and shift narratives around disability and ableism. We look forward to talking about whether we might be a good fit to partner with you and your team.


We’d love to connect! Email us to set up a conversation or learn more.